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- Search Wells
Search Wells
One of the strong points of ESOGIS is the variety of search criteria. You can also combine search terms using AND or OR to further filter the results.
When performing a search, you must choose a field, an operator, and a value. Some fields have special operators and values such as API, with which you can only use the "equal" operator. For Example:
County begins with All
This query will display all of the wells in Allegany county.
County begins with Al
In the above example, The field is "County", the operator is "begins with" and the value is "All" OR "Al". This will search for all wells that have a county name that starts with "All" OR "Al", respectively.
Adding Criteria
To add criteria, choose a field, an operator, then a value, and then click the "Submit" button to add the criterion to the list criteria list.
Removing Criteria
To delete a criterion from the criteria list, click the "X" preceding the criteria.
Combining Criteria
When you add criteria to a search, you can choose whether the criteria is combined using an "and" or an "or" operator. The default combiner is "and". To change it to "or", use the drop down box by the label "Criteria Combiner" and select "or", then click the "Submit" button. "And" combiners generally restrict results; whereas, "or" combiners generally expands results.
For Example:
County begins with All OR County begins with Cat
This query will display all of the wells in Allegany or Cattaraugus counties which results in more than 21000 wells.
The columns returned by a search include at least the following:
API | Name | Company Name |
County | Town | Quad |
Field | Producing Formation | Total Drill Depth |
If you click the heading of a column, the search results will be sorted by that column in a descending fashion. If you click it again, the order of the sort will be reversed.
Criteria Fields
When you add criteria to a search, the fields of those criteria are added to the columns displayed.
Exporting Search Results
ESOGIS allows you to export any search result to Microsoft Excel spreadsheet file or you may select the "Grid Only" option and save the resulting web page as a local HTML (web page) file. You may then import the HTML file into a wide range of programs (e.g. Microsoft Word document, Microsoft Access database)
Production Data
Production data for wells in NY State are obtained from the DEC - Division of Mineral Resources, Oil and Gas. The data units for the data are MCF (thousand cubic feet) for gas, BBL (barrels) for oil and water.