Table of Contents
What is it?
The ZipCart allows you to select individual files or groups of files for downloading later in a single, compressed ZIP file. Each user has one ZipCart and it persists between login sessions.
Adding Files
You must be logged in to use the ZipCart.
Near the bottom of the well profile page, there may be a list of files.
ZipCart icons () indicate that an item may be added to the ZipCart. Just click the icon to add the item or items. File-type groupings usually have a ZipCart icon so that you may add all files of a certain type for a well. And finally, you may add all of the files for a well by clicking the cart icon at the top of the files section of a well.
Removing Files
To remove files from the ZipCart, first click "View ZipCart". You will be presented with a list of wells, then a sublist of files under each well. You can click all at the very top to check all files, or you can click the checkbox by a well to select all files for that well, or, finally, you can click the checkbox by each file. Once all the files you wish to remove are selected, click the "Remove Checked from Cart" button at the bottom of the list. If you wish to empty the cart, click the "Empty ZipCart".
Downloading Files
There are two ways to download the contents of a ZipCart. First, click the "Download My ZipCart" link found in the left menu under "View My ZipCart". Second, click the "View My ZipCart" link, then click "Download My ZipCart" near the top of the ZipCart page.